[Forum SIS] Seminario Prof. Lijoi

Silvia Bozza silviab a unive.it
Gio 23 Set 2010 17:04:32 CEST

A tutti gli interessati, con preghiera di diffusione.

================= AVVISO DI SEMINARIO ==================

Mercoledì 6 ottobre, ore 12.00

Prof. Antonio Lijoi
Department of Economics
and Quantitative Methods
University of Pavia

terrà un seminario dal titolo

"Construction of dependent nonparametric priors"

Sede: Sala Consiglio (II piano)
del Dipartimento di Statistica
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, Venezia

A very active area of research in Bayesian nonparametrics concerns the
definition of priors that depend on covariates and that, then, lend
themselves to be applied to regression modelling. In this talk we
describe two possible constructions of nonparametric priors for
vectors of probablility distributions. Both rely on suitable
transformations of completely random measures: in one case dependence
between random probability distributions is established by means of a
Lévy copula, while, in the other, dependence is induced by introducing
a common component for the marginal measures. The computational
algorithms that allow for a full Bayesian analysis in these settings
will be presented and an illustration involving a two-sample dataset
will be discussed.

Con i migliori saluti,
Silvia Bozza

Silvia Bozza
Dipartimento di Statistica
Università Ca' Foscari
San Giobbe - Cannaregio 873
30121 Venezia
Tel: +39 0412347429
Fax: +39 0412347444

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