[Forum SIS] Young Investigator Travel Support to the MCMSki III - Utah, Jan. 2011

Mira Antonietta Antonietta.Mira a uninsubria.it
Lun 18 Ott 2010 17:42:04 CEST

Just a brief reminder that the deadline for applying for Young Investigator Travel Support to the
MCMSki III conference in Park City, Utah this January is this Friday, October 22, 2011, at 11:59 pm
Mountain Standard Time (6 hours behind Greenwich mean time).  Applying is simple:  you just
email a current copy of your CV, a copy of the paper you'd like to present, and a *brief* supporting
paragraph from your (current or former) thesis adviser to mcmski at stat.byu.edu.  Then please go to
our abstract submission page,


and let us know if you'd be interested in giving one of the four talks in the Young Investigator
Invited session, or if you'd prefer to stick with a poster in one of our two well-attended poster sessions.

The conference represents the fourth joint international meeting of the IMS (Institute of Mathematical 
Statistics) and ISBA (International Society for Bayesian Analysis), and will be held at The Canyons 
resort in Park City, Utah from Wednesday, January 5 to Friday, January 7, 2011. The central (but not sole) theme of the conference will be  Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and related methods and applications, 
and will feature 3 plenary speakers (Nicky Best, Mike Newton, Jeff Rosenthal) and six invited sessions from internationally known experts covering a broad array of current and developing statistical practice.  
In addition, a pre-conference "AdapSki" satellite meeting on adaptive and other advanced MCMC methods 
will take place on January 3-4,  2011, with Profs. Christian Robert and Christophe Andrieu again serving as 
lead organizers. 

Senior MCMC and Bayesian researchers, please let your students and junior colleagues (less than 5 
years since PhD) know about this opportunity!  Also don't forget to register yourselves;  the deadline for 
all participants to register for the conference itself without a late fee is November 1, 2010. 

We look forward to welcoming you in Park City this January! 


Antonietta Mira and Brad Carlin
MCMSki III conference co-organizers 
Shane Reese 
MCMSki III local arrangements chair 

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