[Forum SIS] Bocconi DEC Seminar: Roberto Franzosi - June 3rd

Anna Simoni anna.simoni a unibocconi.it
Dom 30 Maggio 2010 15:45:44 CEST

Dear colleagues, 

The Department of Decision Sciences (DEC) of Bocconi University is pleased to invite you to the seminar: 


DEC Seminar 
Università Bocconi, 
Room N14 
Piazza Sraffa 13 - 1st floor 
Time: 12:30pm 

The DEC seminar schedule is available at http://www.unibocconi.eu/statseminar 

Thursday, June 3rd 

Roberto Franzosi 
(Department of Sociology, Emory University) 

"Quantitative Narrative Analysis and What You Can Do With It: An Application to the Rise of Italian Fascism (1919-1922) " 


The talk illustrates a methodological approach to narrative developed by the author (Quantitative Narrative Analysis) for socio-historical research. The approach exploits invariant structural linguistic properties of narrative, namely, a simple clause structure based on the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why, and … how; also known as story grammar) and the sequential organization of these clauses. When implemented in a computer environment, QNA delivers data with highly desirable properties: 1. it preserves much of the original narrative text; 2. it preserves the relations between the various elements of the grammar (e.g., actors related to actions, actions to objects, time and space to action); 3. it delivers far richer and more reliable narrative data; 4. it allows a range of statistical analyses of what are essentially words: from network models to Geographic Information System models, along more traditional regression-based models. The talk will illustrate the power of QNA by presenting the results of GIS and network analyses of a large body of data collected by the author from some 50,000 articles from three different newspapers (Il Lavoro, Avanti!, Popolo d’Italia) on the rise of Italian fascism (1919-22). 

Anna Simoni 
Anna Simoni 

Assistant Professor 
Department of Decision Sciences 
Università Bocconi 
via Roentgen, 1 
20136 Milano - Italy 

Email:anna.simoni a unibocconi.it 
Webpage: http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/annasimoni/ 

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