[Forum SIS] 2010 IRVAPP Seminar Series - 25 marzo 2010

Nadir Zanini nzanini a irvapp.it
Mar 9 Mar 2010 10:23:26 CET

2010 IRVAPP Seminar Series
Developing and Refining a Social Class Schema for the European Research Area:  The European Socio-economic Classification Described, Explained and Illustrated
Relatori:       David Rose (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex), Erich Harrison (Centre for Comparative Social Surveys, City University London)
Data:            giovedì 25 marzo ore 17.00
Luogo:                 IRVAPP / Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce 77- Trento
Between 2004 and 2006 David Rose and Eric Harrison led an EU Sixth Framework project which produced a new version of the EGP social class schema for use by both academics and National Statistical Institutes across the European Union. This lecture will explain and describe the schema, known as the 'European Socio-economic Classification - ESeC'. As the lecture will demonstrate, the ESeC project produced a prototype schema that was both thoroughly validated and performed consistently well across a range of EU Member States. However, there remained a number of outstanding issues worthy of further research. These will also be discussed.

La presentazione sarà in lingua inglese.
Chiediamo la cortesia a quanti intendono partecipare al seminario di segnalare la loro presenza contattando la dott.ssa Francesca Zantomio al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica zantomio a irvapp.it<mailto:zantomio a irvapp.it> entro martedì 23 marzo.

Nadir Zanini

Junior Researcher

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Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies
Bruno Kessler Foundation
via Santa Croce, 77
38122 - Trento, Italy
tel.: +39 0461 210 234
fax.: +39 0461 210 240
home: http://irvapp.fbk.eu/it/home
email: nzanini a irvapp.it

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