[Forum SIS] Workshop "Statistical Surveys: thinking about methodology and applications"

Cristina Davino cdavino a unimc.it
Mer 28 Lug 2010 16:06:52 CEST

Si segnala la seguente iniziativa organizzata 
presso l'Università di Macerata (in allegato il programma)

Workshop "Statistical Surveys: thinking about methodology and applications"
September, 20th-21st 2010 - University of Macerata

The workshop is held under the auspices of the 
Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG)
The two days workshop aims to gather together 
researchers discussing on methodological and 
applicative issues in surveys design. The first 
day is focused on critical aspects about 
methodology: definition of sampling, 
questionnaire, scaling, interview. On the second 
day, real case studies are presented to provide 
further discussions on the resolution of typical 
problems in survey design by means of appropriate statistical techniques.
The participants are PhD students and researchers 
from any field especially from social sciences.
Invited speakers
Tomas Aluja (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Caterina Arcidiacono, Immacolata Di Napoli (University of Naples, Italy)
Simona Balbi (University of Naples, Italy)
Luigi Biggeri (University of Florence, Italy)
Furio Camillo, Ida D’Attoma  (University of Bologna, Italy)
Giovanni D’Alessio (Banca d’Italia, Italy)
Cristina Davino, Rosaria Romano (University of Macerata, Italy)
Luigi Fabbris (University of Padua, Italy)
Cecilia Gobbi (ASSIRM,  Italy)
Oliviero Marchese (IPSOS, France)
Tormod Naes (Nofima Research Institute, Norway)
Monica Pratesi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Gilbert Saporta (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)
Cristina Davino (University of Macerata)  cdavino a unimc.it
Francesco Palumbo (University of Naples)  fpalumbo a unina.it
Rosaria Romano (University of Macerata) rosaria.romano a unimc.it
Conference web site: http://www.unimc.it/survey_workshop
Phone: +39 07332583997 - Fax: +39 0733258
Conference site: The workshop will take place at 
the Faculties of Economics and of Political 
Sciences in Piazza Strambi 1, first floor, Room Abside.
Participation is free but a registration before 
13th September is required. The registration form 
is available on the conference website.

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