[Forum SIS] MAF2010 - Deadline Extended to January 31, 2010

Cira PERNA perna a unisa.it
Ven 15 Gen 2010 15:12:42 CET

Dear All,

due to numerous requests, the MAF2010 scientific committee has decided
to extend the abstract submission deadline to 31/01/2010.

The interested authors are invited to submit abstracts electronically  
through the website of the conference at http://maf2010.unisa.it.

The new DEADLINES are:
Submission of 1-page abstract: 31 January 2010
Acceptance decision: 10 February 2010
Submission of full papers: 30 June 2010

The INVITED SPEAKERS of MAF2010 Conference are:
Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (McMaster University, Canada)
Giampiero Gallo (University of Florence, Italy)
Sheri Markose (University of Essex, U.K.)
Sheldon M. Ross (University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.)

For more information visit the web site:

or contact the MAF Secretariat:
maf2010 at unisa.it

Best regards and see you in Ravello.

Cira Perna and Marilena Sibillo
Chairs of the MAF2010 Conference

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