[Forum SIS] 25th Mini-EURO Confserence on "Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making"

Fabrizio Ruggeri fabrizio a mi.imati.cnr.it
Lun 23 Nov 2009 11:59:08 CET

               * CALL FOR PAPERS *

          25th Mini-EURO Conference on 

Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making 


15-17 April 2010, University of Coimbra, Portugal 

with the support of the COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory 
and EURO (The European Association of Operational Research Societies).

     *    November 30, 2009: Deadline for     *
     * submission of short papers (4-6 pages) *

Best regards,

Fabrizio Ruggeri
(on behalf of the International Programme Committee)

Fabrizio Ruggeri                    fabrizio AT mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR IMATI                           tel +39 0223699532
Via Bassini 15                      fax +39 0223699538
I-20133 Milano (Italy)              www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~fabrizio

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