[Forum SIS] Universitā Bocconi - Posizione da "full professor" in statistica/probabilitā

Piero Veronese piero.veronese a unibocconi.it
Mer 24 Giu 2009 09:20:38 CEST

Universitā Bocconi 

The Department of Decision Sciences at Bocconi University, Milan (Italy), invites statements of interest for a position of 

                    Full Professor in the fields of Statistics or Probability. 

The new professor is expected to establish and lead a successful research group, contribute to PhD programs in Statistics and to undergraduate teaching. Respondents are expected to be internationally recognized scientists with a strong research record and exemplary teaching. 
The statements of interest should be submitted via e-mail with attachments (Word or PDF files preferred) together with a curriculum vitae, a publication list, a summary of research interests and the names of five references with contact information to 
recruiting a unibocconi.it 
Statements will be considered starting from mid-September 2009 and the process will go on until a suitable respondent is found. 

Further academic info about the position can be asked to: 
Prof. Piero Veronese 
Head of the Department of Decision Sciences, 
Universitā Bocconi, 
piero.veronese a unibocconi.it 

Il messaggio che segue e' inserito automaticamente dal server di posta
dell'Universita' Bocconi.

Il 5 per mille per gli studenti meritevoli della Bocconi.
E' un atto volontario, non costa nulla e non sostituisce l'8 per mille.
Scegli Bocconi: codice fiscale 80024610158.

Please note that the above message is addressed only to individuals
filing Italian income tax returns.

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