[Forum SIS] Modifica di Avviso di seminario del Prof. G. Coelho Gomes

Sergio Camiz sergio.camiz a uniroma1.it
Lun 13 Lug 2009 10:38:51 CEST

Per problemi di aule, il seminario annunciato del 
Prof. Gastão Coelho Gomes è rinviagto al 16 
luglio alle ore 14, sempre in Aula Picone, 
Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo.

Riporto titolo ed abstract:


The use of quantitative methods, in particular exploratory ones, in
education is continuously increasing, as Textual Analysis is able to deal with
texts as they were common data. Thus, data analysis methods may be used as a
support to education, in particular to understand the most adapt language to
adopt with different kind of pupils, in particular in what concerns their
mentality and their level. In this work, we chose to use a  three-way
contingency table crossing the occurrences of words in four different types
of texts, according to their kind (verb, noun, adjective) and their
structural complexity, to identify differences among texts.
Exploratory Techniques as 1) Simple Correspondence Analysis run on one
marginal two-way table, 2) Multiple Correspondence Analyses and 3) Joint
Correspondence Analyses run on the whole table were used, in order to identify
the true dimension of the problem and its consequences in the interpretation
of the results. After a presentation of both data and proposed exploratory
methods, we will discuss the results of their application on the considered

Per informazioni, potete rivolgervi a me.

Sergio Camiz

Web page: http://camiz.net 

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