[Forum SIS] Seminario U. Insubria, Prof. Leiter, 10 dicembre ore 15

Antonietta Mira Antonietta.mira a uninsubria.it
Mar 8 Dic 2009 16:41:43 CET

Il Prof. Michael P. Leiter (Centre for Organizational Research &  
Development, Acadia University, Canada) terra’ un seminario presso la  
Facolta’ di Economia dell’Universita’ degli Studi dell’Insubria, il  
giorno 10 dicembre alle ore 15,00.

(Via Monte Generoso 71,  Varese, aula seminari, primo piano)

Assessing Change Through Surveys: Planning Matters

Employee surveys provide an opportunity to assess the impact of  
management interventions to improve the quality of worklife. When  
considering the range of questionnaires available to assess work  
environments, a few critical questions will produce better information  
for researchers or for employers. Ideally, questionnaires provide  
valid assessments of employees’ experience. The scores will be  
responsive to change in ways that will accurately assess the impact of  
meaningful change in worksettings. The talk will draw upon Dr.  
Leiter’s experience in developing the Maslach Burnout Inventory— 
General Scale as well as the Areas of Worklife Survey.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi!

Antonietta Mira
Professore di Statistica
Facolta' di Economia
Universita' dell'Insubria
antonietta.mira at uninsubria.it

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