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************** AVVISO DI SEMINARIO ***************

Martedì 26 marzo, ore 16,00 Aula 10

La Dott.ssa Vanessa Didelez, Department of Statistical Science, University College London

terrà presso il Dipartimento di Economia, Università Roma Tre, Via Ostiense 139, un seminario dal titolo



This talk deals with the application of graphical models to
dynamic data, in particular to event history data. The "classical"
graphical models represent conditional independencies among components of
a multivariate random vector by a suitable graph. Several approaches have
been proposed to generalise this basic idea for the case that a time
component has to be taken into account, the challenge being to adequately
represent dynamic dependencies. For event history analysis this has led me
to drop the concept of conditional independence in favour of the so-called
'local independence'. Heuristically, an event A is locally independent of
another event B if the intensity for the former is not altered by the
occurrence of the latter. One of the most important differences to
conditional independence is the asymmetry of local independence,
reflecting the dynamic nature of dependencies among events in time.
I will give a brief introduction to graphical models as well as an
overview over the existing generalisations for dynamic data. The main part
of the talk will discuss the concept of local independence and its
graphical representation. Among others, it is shown that analogous results
about separation and collapsibility, as known for conditional independence
graphs, can be obtained for local independence graphs.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Paola Vicard
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Roma Tre
Via Ostiense 139
00154 Roma
Tel.: +39 06 57374219
Fax: +39 06 57374093
e-mail: vicard@uniroma3.it