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ASMDA'97 International Conference (2nd Announcement)

                       2nd ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL for PAPERS

VIII International Symposium on
Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA)

"The Ins and Outs of Solving Real Problems"

Europa Palace Conference Centre, Anacapri (Napoli, Italy), June 
11-14, 1997

A WEB page is now available at the following INTERNET address:



A Conference of the Quantitative Methods in Business and Industry 
(QMBI) Society sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and 
Statistics of the Universit  "Federico II" di Napoli

The preceding ASMDA Symposia were organised in Brussels 
(1981,1983, 1985), in Nancy (1988), in Granada (1991), in Chania 
(Crete, 1993) and in Dublin (1995).

The present Symposium will include three kinds of contributions: 
invited papers, contributed papers and specialized sessions on 
real-life problems and methods in Business and Industry.
It will focus on new trends in theory, applications and software 
of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis to different 
functional areas in a company, such as:

- Human Resources
- Management and Administration
- Production
- Inventory and Logistics
- Marketing 
- Finance
- Insurance
- Planning and Control
- Quality, Reliability and Safety
- Information Systems and Official Statistics
- Research and Development

Particular attention will be paid to the application of new 
technologies in Business and Industry such as Data Mining, Data 
Warehousing, Symbolic Learning, Neural Networks, Genetic and Fuzzy 
Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Knowledge-Based Systems, and 
Decision Support Systems.

Prospective authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (3 
pages) to Professor Jacques Janssen by January 15, 1997. This 
abstract should include the following information about the paper: 
relationship with the literature; original contributions with main 
formulas; methodological, computational and applicative relevance; 
main references.

For additional information please contact:
Professor Jacques JANSSEN   janssen@ulb.ac.be
CADEPS-ULB  (Solvay Business School),
av. F. Roosevelt, 50, BP 194/7, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM

Professor Carlo LAURO       asmda97@matstat.dms.unina.it
Dip.to di Matematica e Statistica, Universita "Federico II" di 
Napoli, Facolta di Economia, via Cintia, Monte Sant'Angelo
80126 Napoli, ITALIA

or pick the file brochure-ps.zip or (for the WinWord format) 
brochure-doc.zip by anonymous FTP from the directory /pub/asmda97 
on the site dmsna.dms.unina.it