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Programma workshop 10-14 giugno

                    Rome, 10-14 June 1996

During the year dedicated to "Advances in Mathematical Statistics
and Applications" a workshop will take place in Rome at the Isti-
tuto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone", IAC-CNR.

The workshop  aims at  creating a  forum  of discussion about the
state of the art of the  statistical aspects related to the study
and the forecast of the  HIV  epidemic.  Relevant epidemiological
topics  with  innovative  statistical  contents will be enhanced.
Scope of the workshop is to pinpoint new research fields and open
problems and stimulate research partnerships. Ample space will be
devoted  to informal  communications  by  the participants and to
open discussions.  In particular Wednesday afternoon session will 
be left  for  those  participants  wishing to discuss their works
with some of the invited speakers.
The official language is English.

Participation  to the workshop is open and free, however partici-
pants are asked to inform (not later than June 1st, 1996) the Or-
ganising Committee via:
* e-mail:  silveri@iac.rm.cnr.it
* fax:  (+39)-6-4404306
* mail:  Anno di Studio IAC 1996
         Viale del Policlinico 137 - 00161 Roma (Italy).

Those who intend to present a communication are also required to
send the title and a short abstract.

The Scientific and Organising Committee:
Patrizia Ciarlini  e  Anna Gigli (IAC), Arnoldo Frigessi (Univ.
Roma III and IAC),  Carla Rossi (Univ. Roma II and Osservatorio
Regionale  del  Lazio),  Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba (Univ. Roma I),
Arduino Verdecchia (Istituto Superiore della Sanita').

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Programme * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Monday 10

10:00 -- Odd. O. Aalen (Oslo): "A Markov model for AIDS backcal-
                       culation, using times of HIV diagnosis in
                       addition to times of AIDS diagnosis.
                       Application to AIDS prediction in England
                       and Wales"
11:00 -- coffee break

11.30 -- Wally Gilks (Cambridge): "A  Bayesian approach to back-
                       calculation" Part 1: methodology

12.30 -- Daniela De Angelis (Cambridge): "A Bayesian approach to
                       backcalculation" Part 2: model assessment
                       and elaboration
13:30 -- break

15:00 -- Arduino Verdecchia (ISS, Roma): "A role of age, suscep-
                       tible  population,  competitive  non-AIDS
                       mortality on backcalculation estimates of
                       HIV infections"
15:30 -- coffee break

16:00 -- Tamiza Parpia (Edinburgh): "Modelling HIV disease pro-
                       gression  in  Scotland  using population 
                       based immunological data"
16.30 -- Angela Seeber (ISS, Roma): "Relation  between  time to
                       AIDS or death and CD4 response to treat-

Tuesday 11

09:30 -- Glen Satten (Atlanta): "Analyzing interval censored da-
                       ta from AIDS studies" 
10.30 -- coffee break

11:00 -- Glen Satten: "Analyzing  interval  censored  data  from
                       AIDS studies" (ctd)

12:00 -- Odd O. Aalen: "Further analysis of the Markov model for 
                      backcalculation: penalized likelihood esti-
                      mation. Sensitivity analysis"
13:00 -- break

14:30 -- Ellen Amundsen (Oslo): "Modeling the HIV/AIDS epidemic
                   in Norway with focus on HIV test information"

15:00 -- Anna Gigli (IAC, Roma): "The contribution of AIDS incu-
                      bation time to the uncertainty of backcal-
                      culation  estimates:  preliminary  results
                      from  a  bootstrap  application to Italian
15:30 -- coffee break

16:00 -- Ingrid Glad (Oslo): "Bayesian  backcalculation with HIV 
                      seropositivity notifications"

Wednesday 12

09:30 -- Edward Kaplan (Yale): "Snapshot  sample estimates of re-
                       cent HIV incidence"
10:30 -- coffee break

11:00 -- Sylvia Richardson (Paris):  "Bayesian  modelling  of a
                          marker of HIV progression by a hidden 
                          Markov model"

12:00 -- Carla Rossi (Roma II,Roma): "E-M estimation for HIV/AIDS
                          long survivors"

12:30 -- Sabrina Barcherini (ISS, Roma): "Geographical distribu-
                          tion of HIV infection in Italy"
13:00 -- break

14:30-16:30  open discussion

Thursday 13

09.30 -- Sylvia Richardson: "Timing  of  mother-to-child  HIV-1 
                           transmission: a Bayesian estimation"
10:30 -- coffee break

11:00 -- Gillian M. Raab (Edinburgh): "Predicting the AIDS epi-
                           demic in Scotland using MCMC methods"

11:30 -- Shuying Yang (Edinburgh): "Elicitation of prior distri-
                           bution for incubation distribution in
                           AIDS prediction"
12:00 -- Simon K. Jones (Southampton): "Modelling the provision
                           of Home Care to persons with AIDS"

12:30 -- Simon K. Jones: "Development  and  use  of semi-Markov 
                           models for health care"
13:00 -- break

14:30 -- Carlo Berzuini (Pavia): "Using dynamic models for pre-
                           dicting  time  to  AIDS onset in HIV
                           vertically infected children"
15:00 -- Giuseppe Schinaia (Roma I, Roma): "Parameter estimates
                         for a comportamental model of HIV/AIDS
                         epidemic: an application to Italian re-
                         gional data"
15:30 -- coffee break

16:00 -- Massimo Arca' (OERL, Roma): "Sensitivity analysis of a
                         deterministic model for  the  HIV/AIDS
16:30 -- Enzo Ballone (Chieti): "Discriminant  analysis  method
                         for classification of HIV infection" 

Friday 14

09:30 -- Patrizio Pezzotti (ISS, Roma): "Some neglected aspects
                         in HIV statistical modelling"

10:00 -- Patrizia Grossi (ISS, Roma): "The  impact  of the 1993
                         revision of the  AIDS  case definition 
                         on backcalculation estimates"
10:30 -- coffee break

11:00-12:30  panel discussion chaired by Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba
             (La Sapienza, Roma)