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Workshop announcement

                        PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT

                        International Workshop on
      Computational and Statistical Issues for Stochastic Processes
                  Cremona, Italy - September 2-5, 1996

Sponsored by: National Research Project "Calcolo Stocastico e Processi
Stocastici" (1993-1994), "Associazione Cremonese Studi Universitari"

Organizing Committee: Peter Glynn (Stanford University), Tom Kurtz
(University of Wisconsin at Madison), Federico Marchetti (Politecnico di

For information e-mail to stoch96@mate.polimi.it (preferably) or
write/call/fax to

Federico Marchetti
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Matematica
p.Leonardo da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
Phone: (+39)(2)2399-4570
fax: (+39)(2)2399-4568

A workshop on Computational and Statistical Issues for Stochastic
Processes will take place in Cremona, Italy, in the first week of
September. The format will provide several invited lectures on recent
issues in this topic, both from a theoretical and applied point of view.
There should be ample time both for formal and informal discussions, with
the aim of fostering ideas and information. Participants are invited to
submit contributions to the workshop. A very limited number of
contributed talks and a poster session are planned.

A preliminary list of speakers includes: Peter Glynn (Stanford, USA),
Jean Jacod (Paris 6, France), Peter Kotelenetz (Case Western, USA), Steve
Kou (Rutgers, USA), Tom Kurtz (Madison, USA), Yuri Kutoyants (Le Mans,
France), Robert Liptser (Tel Aviv, Israel), Walter Willinger (Bellcore,

Cremona is a small town in Lumbardy, reachable by train from nearby Milan
and by fast train from Rome. It is best known for being the home of the
famed Stardivari violin builders, and of a solid musical tradition. It is
within easy reach of some of the most fascinating cities in
Central-Northern Italy. To learn more about Cremona, visit the World Wide
Web page at http://stradivari.cremona.polimi.it.
  Federico Marchetti * Politecnico di Milano * Dipartimento di Matematica
          piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 * I-20133 Milano, Italy
           phone: (+39-2)2399-4570 * fax: (+39-2)2399-4568
   e-mail: marchett@ipmma3.mate.polimi.it   anonymous ftp: