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january 14, 2004
Prof. Pierluigi Daddi
Dep. of Statistics, University of Perugia

Pierluigi Daddi Pierluigi Daddi Pierluigi Daddi Pierluigi Daddi
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The inflation topic has recently become a favorite argument of discussion, after the introduction of the euro.  And on an aspect as "the prices" all the Italians miraculously seem to be agree:  the increases are consisting and the "true" inflation, that is the one experimented by a citizen's own wallet, and it's the higher than the one measured by statistics known as "official". In truth the statistical measure of the inflation, not to get confused with that of the cost of living, consists in complex statistical procedures that answer to precise rules by now very consolidated by the scientific viewpoint.  These rules are necessary in order to generalize information and tendencies based on the prices of the single assets taken in numerous sale points, in the widest economic context of the national economical system. Objective of the conference is to illustrate with divulgative purposes the pre-eminent aspects of definition and measure of the inflation, as well as to appraise the connected interpretative results, also in relation to the recent experiences in action on the territory of the Umbria Region.

Prof. Pierluigi  Daddi (Dept. of Statistical Sciences - University of Perugia)
Born in Rome in 1947, he has graduated with praise in Economy and Commerce at the University of Perugia.  Since 1987 he has been teaching Economic Statistics and since 2000 he has been extraordinary university professor for the same discipline.  He is president of the Evaluation Unit of the University of Perugia and since November 2003 he has covered the office of Principal of the Faculty of Economy of the same University. He has taught and is still teaching also statistical and econometrical courses.

He is member of various national and international scientific Associations, among which the Italian Society of Statistics (SIS), the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability;  the American Statistical Association.  He is author of numerous scientific contributions published in Italian and international reviews, about methodologies and techniques of measure of economic phenomena within  conjunctural, monetary and financial sphere.

© 2004 The materials are permited to be used and reproduced only for didactical purposes and not for commercial purposes, mentioning the origin, the authors and contributors. 

Head Office: Department of Statistics - University of Perugia Via A. Pascoli C.P. 1315 succ. 1 - 06123 Perugia Tel.: 075 585 5242 Fax: 075 585 5950 
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