School Survey on-line...

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 English (by L. Falcinelli)

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"How are we now?" School Survey - How to join

If you teach at school, please join to the survey!

To do so, please fill in your data in the registration form.

Once registred, you will receive the operational instructions for carrying out the survey and sending the data back to the Centre. You will receive also detailed istructions for taking the measurements and for the registration of data in a portable spreadsheet.

Once we receive the data from your class or school you will receive some teaching material and working sheets useful for the analysis of these data.

The data will be released in a completely anonymous format. They will added up to the existing database, to form a new larger dataset "Here_we_are".

We will send you also the books "How introducing descriptive statistics", "A Primer on Statistical Inference with Lab activities" and the Galton Board Hypertext on CD (all in Italian).

Head Office: Department of Statistics - University of Perugia Via A. Pascoli C.P. 1315 succ. 1 - 06123 Perugia Tel.: 075 585 5242 Fax: 075 585 5950 
Local Offices:
» University of Padua
» University of Palermo
» University of Perugia
» University of Rome "La Sapienza"
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