School Survey on-line...

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 English (by L. Falcinelli)

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"How we are now?" School Survey - Materials

This section will give hospitality to the materials produced in regard to the Survey "How we are now?".

If you have joint to the survey and you have materials worked out in classroom by your students, send them to the CIRDIS so to put them at disposal of other schools.

At the moment the following materials are available (in Italian):

Special thanks to the teachers for putting at disposal of CIRDIS the materials.

©2004 The materials are permited to be used and reproduced only for didactical purposes and not for commercial purposes, mentioning the origin, the authors and contributors.

Head Office: Department of Statistics - University of Perugia Via A. Pascoli C.P. 1315 succ. 1 - 06123 Perugia Tel.: 075 585 5242 Fax: 075 585 5950 
Local Offices:
» University of Padua
» University of Palermo
» University of Perugia
» University of Rome "La Sapienza"
© CIRDIS materials are permited to be used and reproduced only for didactical purposes and not for commercial purposes, mentioning the origin, the authors and contributors.
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