School Survey on-line...

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 English (by L. Falcinelli)

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"How are we now?" School Survey - The original data set

The original data set is a collection of anthropometric data (and other characteristics) taken from students 14-15  years old.
The survey, built up in 1994 in a upper secondary school in Perugia, has been repeated every year since then.

The data set consists of more than 500 observations on the following student characteristics:


Sitting height Dental brace
Arm span Sight correction
Chest width Age
Leg lenght Shoe size
Arm lenght Gender
Foot lenght Right/left/ambidextrous

Download the data set Alessi.xls , of more than 500 observations (Excel '95 format - 107 Kb).

Head Office: Department of Statistics - University of Perugia Via A. Pascoli C.P. 1315 succ. 1 - 06123 Perugia Tel.: 075 585 5242 Fax: 075 585 5950 
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» University of Palermo
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